Our Services

Functional Medicine

Functional Medicine seeks to identify the root cause of symptoms, correct imbalances and find a long-lasting solution to support the body, mind, and spirit. Functional medicine practitioners rather than looking at specific separate organ functions and symptoms, view the body as unique integrated systems which work together as part of a whole.

Testing Available

A wide range of Functional Medicine testing are available, including but not limited to:
Organic Acid Test (OAT)
Thyroid panel TSH, T4, T3, Antibodies
Stool testing
Food intolerance
Mould testing
Heavy Metal testing.

Herbal Medicine

Herbal Medicine is a natural, safe and highly effective form of treatment in the prevention and management of health problems in both adults and children.

Phytochemicals contained in plants, are the active ingredients in herbal medicine treatments.

Herbal medicine practitioners treat the person, not the condition. They will look at why a condition has arisen and treat the cause, not just the symptoms. For example a causative factor could be the body’s reduced ability to digest, absorb or utilize a particular nutrient, or perhaps the detoxification pathways within the body are not working optimally etc. It is most often a variety of factors combined that lead to ill health or particular condition.

Energy Healing & Reiki

Usui and Kundalini Reiki treatments are available.
A reiki practitioner channels this healing energy, through their hands into the recipients body. The body then uses this energy to bring about self healing of mind, body and spirit.
Reiki is suitable for everybody, regardless of his or her age or degree of health. Reiki brings the body into wholeness, bringing it into harmony with the perfect blueprint of the person. It can be used daily for emotional, physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing.

Aura and Chakra Clearing

These sessions work to release energetic toxins and debris can accumulate within your energetic field, by clearing these energies we can allow in greater love, light and positive experiences. Like attracts like, and so an auric field filled with higher vibrational energy will attract just that.

Health & Wellness Coaching

Health and wellness coaching, provides support to people with health and wellness goals.
Whatever your goal, whether you want to lose weight, improve fitness, manage stress more effectively, or stick to a health program you are currently undertaking, a coach helps to to stay on track, and be accountable.
A coach is your ally, they offer support, and help you to find solutions to overcome obstacles in a non judgmental manner. They know behaviour or mindset changes and forming new habits, isn't always easy. They help you to navigate these changes in the best way for you.
A coach will cheer you on and provide a safe place for you to discover your saboteurs and how to intercept them, or damage control if you veer from your goal. They help you to stay focused on your goal and encourage you each step of the way to achieve it.


Naturopathy is better described as a philosophy rather than an individual therapy. A naturopath uses many different natural forms of treatment such as flower remedies, biochemical tissue salts, and homeopathy to name a few.
The philosophy of the naturopath can be summarised by the following naturopathic principals:
Our vital force or life force when given the right conditions, will self-heal or self-correct.
Prevention is preferable to cure.
The root cause of dysfunction is identified and treated not the symptoms.
The whole person is treated - physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
Health is much greater than just absence of infirmity, it is abundant vitality.
The Person is treated, not the disease.
The individual is unique, each person responds in a different way.
All disease starts with a disruption to the body’s homeostatic mechanisms and health is a return to balance of these mechanisms.

Wellness & Coaching Retreats

From detox weekends to 3 week transformational retreats in exotic locations, health and wellness or coaching retreats are a favourite among clients.

“Love working with Catherine at healthy by nature. I’m feeling well and no more aches/pains and my energy levels are the best they have been in years. Can’t thank you enough. I would highly recommend healthy by nature - 5*****’’

Facebook review from client

“If you really want something you’ll find a way, if you don’t you’ll find an excuse.” — Jim Rohn.


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